The following are just a few recent projects


Residential Framing and Foundation Investigation

Prospective buyers had a typical pre-purchase home inspection that uncovered what appeared to be structural defects, wall and foundation cracks and possible signs of foundation settlement.

Torello Engineers was contracted to conduct a thorough examination of the structure and foundation and determine if these constituted serious structural issues and if ongoing settlement or other issues were probable.


Industrial Roof Capacity Evaluation

When a large pharmaceutical company needed to add additional large rooftop units to an already crowded rooftop, Torello Engineers was called upon to examine and evaluate the structure.

Our subsequent investigation and analysis allowed us to design additional structural reinforcements to allow the project to move forward. Additional services included Special Inspections an on-site observations during the work.


Marine Industry Facility Study

When our client was considering the purchase of two large existing marinas they needed to have both facilities studied in order to determine each structures' condition, suitability and cost of rehabilitation in order to transform the properties into a unified repair facility for Coast Guard vessels.


Underground Condominium Parking

These condominiums are buiilt atop an underground parking garage. During Architectural upgrade studies a number of possible structural defects were noted. Torello Engineers conducted a condition study and evaluation and identified numerous structural deficiencies.


Design Review

Design review of the proposed renovations and additions developed by the Architect. Torello Engineers directed changes to the structural framing design as required to in order meet the requirements of the CT Basic Building code. Field services included determination of existing framing and load paths. Final deliverables were in the form of our stamped title block and scope on the Architectural drawings which incorporated our framing design.


Design Services

When the CT Convention Center monumental stair system required replacement due to deterioration and water infiltration Torello Engineers was called in to re-design the new stair system.

Services included field visits to observe removal of old stairs and review of the underlying structure, detection and mapping of structural slab delaminations, rehabilitative repair design for the structural slab and expansion joints and design of new reinforced concrete monumental stairs.